The 2050 Pathways Platform is an initiative that was launched in Marrakech at COP22. The objective of the Platform is to support countries, states, regions, cities and companies seeking to devise long-term, net zero-greenhouse gas, climate- resilient and sustainable development pathways. For further detail on the Platform, please visit the UNFCCC webpage. The 2050 Pathways Platform is supported by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the European Climate Foundation.

Horizon to Horizon guide outlines a step by step process to designing a long-term strategy for Pacific Island countries, identifying and solving roadblocks to implementation, and determining financing needs and sources.

A Strategic Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience Tool (SMART) accompanies the Horizon to Horizon guide. SMART supports decision making by Pacific leaders, by enhancing the understanding of where mitigation actions interact with adaptation and resilience priorities.

Combined, these resources aim to simplify the process for developing and implementing long-term, low emissions development strategies while drawing out the interconnected benefits of long-term planning for other strategic country-specific priorities.